Stephanie Byrne Feminine Embodiment Coaching Programs

Coaching & Programs

We discover that the world truly becomes dazzling when we gracefully tap into our sense of safety for the inception and design of our legacy through the application of our creativity, development of character and the gratitude of loving relationships.

You are unique.
Be at home.
From the comfort of your own coaching space.
Stephanie Byrne Feminine Embodiment Coaching Programs
Stephanie at Right Action Coaching
Stephanie at Right Action Coaching

A Legacy Unfolding

Life brings so much. I understand the feeling of overwhelm. Choice and near-constant decision making brings us straight up into our heads.

Is this it? What's next?

Women tell me they long to thrive. Expand their pleasure. Feel sensual. Feelings of aliveness are swamped by worry in a frantically paced modern world.

How we are remembered is changing.

Where once legacy was associated with the gifting of money or property through inheritance or the business and projects we have worked with, today's heritage is passed on from our innermost being and restorative talents ‐ then the embodied actions that ensue.

Connection and intimacy with our gifts are fragile and loose allure when culturally demanded or societally expected to be in service at the cost of living a wholly ravishing experience.

Our personal life transitions are more sincerely embraced when we are leading from what feels richly captivating ‐ then passed on for the benefit of others.

Right Action Coaching

Turned in on ourselves, sensations of regret, guilt and shame inflame, and the exhausted inner glow of our unique giftedness loses urgency for quality contribution in our own lives and the lives of others. The stirrings of our innate gifts stay hidden and remain forgotten behind a fear we struggle to understand.

Not just happy as a woman but FEELING ALIVENESS AS A WOMAN
Feminine Embodiment Coaching is tailored for the woman desiring a powerful actualised journey of personal invention.

When New Experiences And The Unknown Unfold

Your Life Transitions

  • Letting go of a situation
  • Confusion of a new beginning
  • Painful loss of intimacy
  • Despair of loneliness
  • Challenge of changing jobs
  • Living on your own for the first time
  • The ‘empty nest’
  • Retiring from a sport
  • Regaining Your Mojo
  • Relocating to Ireland from abroad
  • Preparing for menopause
  • Considering retirement

When Your Next Steps Unfold

Your Embodied Legacy

  • Reclaim You
  • Embody Confidence
  • Liberate Tensions
  • Release Resistance
  • Reframe Beliefs
  • Transcend Roles
  • Manage Boundaries
  • Sleep Peacefully
  • Revitalise Intimacy
  • Renew Affection
  • Love Differently
  • Experience Joy
  • Unleash Pleasure
  • Deepen Connection
  • Magnetise Desires
  • Restore Adventure
Stephanie and Zara Image

Your Passion

A meaningful creative design

Your Connection

To the people, places and events inspired by what truly matters to you

Your Pleasure

A flexible and harmonious aliveness with the whole of your being

Right Action Coaching

We are vital and alive beings with few models demonstrating the freedom from limiting cultural and societal conditioning and how to create a legacy that is meaningful and matters to us.

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